Critical Infrastructure Security, Privacy

Data breach hits European Telecommunications Standards Institute

France-based information and communication standards development and testing nonprofit European Telecommunications Standards Institute had its data compromised after its member portal was impacted by a cyberattack, SecurityWeek reports. Threat actors were able to exfiltrate a list of its online members, which includes more than 900 organizations across 65 countries, after infiltrating an IT system, according to ETSI. Investigation into the incident, which has been reported to the French data protection authority, has already commenced, with ETSI noting that aside from addressing the vulnerability that prompted the data breach, it has also implemented more security actions and bolstered its IT security processes. "Transparency is at the root of ETSI, in our governance and technical work. We are very grateful for the knowledge and advice of the experts from the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI), who have helped us to determine the remedial actions to be taken, and to strengthen the security of our systems," noted ETSI Director-General Luis Jorge Romero.

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