AI/ML, Critical Infrastructure Security, Threat Intelligence

US facing unprecedented foreign influence threats, ex-official says

Closeup of an American "I voted" sticker placed on a navy shirt.

The U.S. is believed by former Defense Secretary and retired Gen. Jim Mattis to be most at risk of being impacted by severe foreign influence operations during the upcoming presidential polls as both Russia and China ramp up their "propaganda machines" with the use of artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies, DefenseScoop reports.

Despite the threat of foreign influence operations, U.S. election systems are not expected to be subjected to significant attacks that could result in manipulation due to their robust cybersecurity defenses, said Mattis at DefenseScoop's DefenseTalks, where he also emphasized the importance of tech integration.

"You've got to look at technology as one tool in the toolbox. Take full advantage of it, but make certain you’re integrating it right. And that has to do with innovation, it has to do with the thinking, the education of the officers and NCOs in your military. There's a lot that goes into something like that, not just about technology alone," Mattis noted.

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