GenAI, Security, and More Lies – Aubrey King – PSW #832

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1. GenAI, Security, and More Lies – Aubrey King – PSW #832



Aubrey King
Community Evangelist at F5

Aubrey King is a Community Evangelist at F5 DevCentral, PR Lead for the OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Model Applications project, and Host of the ‘AppSec Monthly’ podcast. With a solid foundation in System Architecture and Security, followed by 12 years as an F5 pre-sales engineer, Aubrey has built a reputation for his technical expertise in high availability and application security solutions across various market segments including Commercial, Public, and Service Provider sectors. His insights into AI security are rooted in practical experience, making his perspective both valuable and unique. Outside of the tech sphere, Aubrey is a passionate musician, devoted comic book enthusiast, and proud father.


Principal Security Evangelist at Eclypsium
Executive Director at Guardedrisk
Product Security Research and Analysis Director at Finite State
Brainstem Hacker and InfoSec Enthusiast at Redacted

2. Bricking PCs and IoT Hacking – PSW #832



Aubrey King
Community Evangelist at F5

Aubrey King is a Community Evangelist at F5 DevCentral, PR Lead for the OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Model Applications project, and Host of the ‘AppSec Monthly’ podcast. With a solid foundation in System Architecture and Security, followed by 12 years as an F5 pre-sales engineer, Aubrey has built a reputation for his technical expertise in high availability and application security solutions across various market segments including Commercial, Public, and Service Provider sectors. His insights into AI security are rooted in practical experience, making his perspective both valuable and unique. Outside of the tech sphere, Aubrey is a passionate musician, devoted comic book enthusiast, and proud father.


Principal Security Evangelist at Eclypsium
Executive Director at Guardedrisk
Senior Cyber Advisor at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory