AI, LLMs and Some Hardware Hacking – Matthew Carpenter – PSW #808

Full episode and show notes


Matthew Carpenter
Senior Principal: Research and Innovation at Grimm

Matt Carpenter is an exploitation expert and hacking-tool developer, and a Senior Principal over Cyber Physical Research at GRIMM. With over 40 years of computing experience, Matt has twiddled with bits, photons, electrons, assembly, emulation, symbolic analysis, firmware, and software. ie. Hardware/Radio/Software Reverse-engineer and hacker. Matt has contributed to open-source tools like CanCat, GoodFET, RfCat, and Vivisect.

Even though he contributed to the first public VMware Escape, when asked, Matt will tell you his super power is surrounding himself with amazing people. His greatest accomplishments include mentoring, relentlessly seeking understanding, and his kids.

Technology Anthropomorphizer, Systems Thinker


Principal Security Evangelist at Eclypsium
Founding Partner at TRIFIDENT
Sr. InfoSec Consultant at Online Business Sytems
Executive Director at Guardedrisk
Product Security Research and Analysis Director at Finite State