Virtual Conference

The changing face of ransomware, and how to respond

On-Demand Event

The ever-rising tide of ransomware attacks in 2023 showed how entire companies -- and countries -- can be thrown into disarray as life-sustaining services become disabled. The stakes keep getting higher and the potential for major collateral damage – both financial and physical – continues to grow in severity. This virtual event will explore the steps organizations must take to prevent worst-case scenarios – ideally cutting short attempted ransomware attacks and minimizing their impact when they do happen. Topics will include: 

  • The latest exclusive research on ransomware from the CyberRisk Alliance 
  • The latest ransomware tactics to prepare for, including encryption techniques, extortion schemes and the increasing use of DDoS attacks as part of extortion attempts 
  • Lessons gleaned from the most significant ransomware incidents of the past year 
  • Business continuity and damage-control best practices that can reduce attack damage