Bradley Barth

Bradley Barth

CyberRisk Alliance
Director of Multimedia Content Strategy

As director of multimedia content strategy at CyberRisk Alliance, Bradley Barth develops content for online conferences, webcasts, podcasts video/multimedia projects — often serving as moderator or host. For nearly six years, he wrote and reported for SC Media as deputy editor and, before that, senior reporter. He was previously a program executive with the tech-focused PR firm Voxus. Past journalistic experience includes stints as business editor at Executive Technology, a staff writer at New York Sportscene and a freelance journalist covering travel and entertainment. In his spare time, Bradley also writes screenplays.

Security assessment questionnaires are no longer the centerpiece of third-party risk management programs. As our third-party ecosystems become more diverse and dynamic, so too should our way of monitoring and collaborating with these critical business partners.Join Caitlin Gruenberg, Director of Solution Engineering at CyberGRX as she takes us thr...
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Look inside most business organizations and you’ll find that their endpoint environments have become increasingly complex, divergent and fragmented – with a proliferation of workstations, mobile and IoT devices, containers, servers, cloud platforms and virtual machines. And remote workforce policies are only accelerating this trend. So imagin...
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In 2018, Palo Alto CTO Nir Zuk coined the term XDR – extended detection and response. Since then, the market for this security toolset – designed to unify, correlate and prioritize threat information gathered across all network data points – has taken on a life of its own. Now, organizations are hungry to know if XDR is the right approach for them...
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Supply chain-based cyberattacks are one of the biggest threats facing companies in 2022. What decisions would you make if you were the software development company whose third-party library had been targeted, potentially impacting its entire downstream customer supply chain? In this interactive webinar, you will take on the role of a CISO at a ...
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The API attack surface grows larger and more complex every day – leaving organizations uncertain of how to navigate this unfamiliar and dangerous territory. Such confusion leaves businesses vulnerable to botnet attacks against APIs that could result in a denial-of-service scenario or user account takeover. The first step toward fixing this prob...
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What makes a Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution truly comprehensive, end-to-end, and modernized? Without truly understanding how to harness the power of PAM, organizations could leave themselves open to attacks on assets that typically require special user access. This webcast will examine the key moving parts of PAM, including vaultin...
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The growing number of cloud-based SaaS applications that employees are using to conduct their day-to-day business is dramatically expanding their companies’ attack surface. And malicious actors are increasingly infiltrating networks by compromising weak credentials used across various cloud applications. The initial knee-jerk reaction among sec...
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The traditional security monitoring architecture has been troubling security teams with data silos, performance issues, and delays in retrieving archived data for years. Many analysts who continue to operate with the antiquated SIEM architecture stack also experience a high volume of alerts—with many false positives. Luckily, the internal security...
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Identity authentication is a critical tool in the fight against fraud, especially as malicious attackers steal consumer credentials in an attempt to take over their online accounts. But it’s also important to ensure that having these safeguards in place doesn’t negatively downgrade the customer experience or violate an individual’s privacy. Otherw...
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One of the most preventable causes of malicious exploits that result in damaging breaches or malware attacks is the failure to update known software vulnerabilities. Ideally, your organization is vigilant enough to patch these flaws as soon as they are publicly divulged. But if one does slip through the cracks and becomes exploited, you at least w...
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Cybersecurity is a pressing issue for public-sector organizations in the US, as they face the challenge of sorting through a vast amount of cyber threat intelligence while operating with limited resources and a shortage of skilled infosec professionals. The consequences of a successful attack can be devastating, highlighting the importance of prio...
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As adoption of software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications skyrockets, cybercriminals understand that the cloud has become a go-to vector for them to illegally access and compromise your data. Through phishing scams, exploits and abuse of misconfigurations, adversaries can steal, modify, encrypt or wipe your valuable SaaS-based assets – resulting...
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We’re hosting an eye-opening webinar aimed to help you take your digital security to the next level — all from the vantage point of security analysts dealing with threat intelligence, threat hunting, research, detection engineering and incident response.   In this session, Real-world Insights from a Sophos Threat Analyst, Sophos will dive ...
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The Reckoning is here for Traditional MFA, as it’s not enough for cyber insurance compliance. Did you know that the most popular methods of MFA (like OTP and push to email / text) are easily hacked and are grounds for higher premiums and non-renewals? Everyone knows that MFA provides better protection against hackers than just SSO and 2...
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It’s more important than ever for apps to remain secure through their entire development lifecycle – but without impacting dev teams’ ability to innovate with efficiency. Fortunately, these two goals don’t have to contradict each other – and one way to balance these two needs is to approach security from a dev point of view. This live demo wi...
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Getting work done has gotten easier: instead of having to deal with on-premises applications, VPNs, and VDI, employees and contractors can now do most of their work using only a browser, whether they are working onsite, 100% remotely or in a hybrid environment.  But with the browser effectively becoming the workplace super app, enterpris...
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