Luis Felipe Segura

Luis Felipe Segura

Head of IT, Security, and Compliance

Luis Felipe (LF) Segura is the Head of IT, Security, and Compliance working to ensure infrastructure and service availability, implement best-in-class security processes and controls, and compliance with security and privacy standards. LF has over 18 years of experience in IT strategy, process improvement, and business development. Prior to Incode, LF worked for one of the largest professional services firms in the world, leading multinational projects and advising clients on risk mitigation strategy and systems integrations and implementations. LF earned his B.S. in Telematics Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) and his M.S. in Engineering and Policy Analysis from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Identity authentication is a critical tool in the fight against fraud, especially as malicious attackers steal consumer credentials in an attempt to take over their online accounts. But it’s also important to ensure that having these safeguards in place doesn’t negatively downgrade the customer experience or violate an individual’s privacy. Otherw...
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