Matt Webb

Matt Webb

Senior Manager Information Security

Matt Webb, Senior Manager Information Security comes from a
diverse and extensive background in the technology field of greater than 20
years. Beginning his career as an IT Programmer, Matt quickly developed a
reputation for his analytical thinking and innovative problem-solving skills.
He then transitioned into a role as a Network Administrator where he excelled
in designing and implementing computer networks, managing servers, and
troubleshooting network issues. His proficiency in this role was demonstrated
by the significant improvements in network efficiency and reliability under his
administration. Matt understood the growing importance of data security
and decided to specialize in this area. He’s since developed and implemented
comprehensive data protection strategies and now leads a dedicated department
for data protection efforts.

By operating Records & Information Management (RIM) functions, data security and lifecycle management practices have been employed by organizations even before computing became the norm.  However, these practices are continually stretched to keep pace with new technologies, like AI, which can pose threats to data confidentiality and integ...
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