Compliance Management, Privacy

Three days in the valley


Attendees will participate in informative security workshops, listen to leading information security experts discuss the field's latest trends, talk about security solutions and policies, network and exchange information security ideas with peers, and meet one-on-one with vendors to assess information security priorities.

The theme this time is Strengthening Risk Management Postures.

Fall Forum speaker sessions: More and more chief security officers are hungry for information — threat and trend data, anecdotal references from peers, and compliance insight — to help them reduce the complexity that plagues IT security networks while, at the same time, drive the continual strengthening of their risk management postures. With this in mind, this conference's goal is to zero in on just some of the areas that IT security pros can address to help them with these ends. The event will be divided into five workshops, a panel discussion and an informative keynote.


Keynote: Economic Espionage and Intellectual Property Theft in the Information Age: Taking a closer look at the underside of the information age and the global economy, this talk will shed new light on corporate hacking and industrial espionage, while sharing ideas for ways to tackle this problem.



Richard Power, author of Tangled Web: Tales of Digital Crime from the Shadows of Cyberspace, and former director of global security intelligence for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Christopher Burgess is a senior security advisor to the CSO of Cisco Systems. He also worked for the CIA for 30 years.


The business of security: Seasoned IT security pros have learned that to develop and maintain a robust security program they need help from business colleagues — legal to public relations and all departments in between, executive leaders and board members. To do this effectively, the IT security pro has to be a politician, mentor, business leader, campaign organizer and more. We gain insight and tips from a CSO from a leading corporation to learn how to get this job done.


Bryan Palma, founder of Ponic LLC; former CISO of PepsiCo, and led many of the U.S. Secret Service's early efforts to combat electronic crime.


Avoiding compliance duplication: From Gramm-Leach-Bliley to Sarbanes-Oxley, the laws to which companies must comply are numerous. Attempting to do so only grows more complex when accounting for the varying state laws, federal laws, and guidelines from the likes of the FFIEC. So how does a CSO ensure that they are complying with the laws and guidelines that apply to them, while not duplicating efforts? This session offers up some pragmatic advice.


André Gold, information security director, Continental Airlines; eEye Digital Security Executive Advisory Council


Making sense of the threats: IT security professionals crave information about threats. They seek accurate intelligence about over-arching problems that could take out their networks and want to understand that they're taking adequate steps to address these. This involves working with peers, as well as constantly reviewing initiatives to ensure they're meeting business and IT security requirements. A CSO shares his insight on how to accomplish — from advice on developing industry contacts to adopting appropriate internal auditing practices.


Georgia Newhall, director of information security operations, Northrop Grumman Corporation, has more than 20 years of expertise in information security and information technology management.


Business continuity/disaster recovery: In addition to developing and managing a comprehensive IT security program, companies must also implement, test and update business continuity and disaster recovery plans that ensure their businesses remain up and running in the event of a cyber, physical and combo event. So what does this entail? This session provides the advice you need to make sure your corporation has this area covered.


Paul Zazzera, SVP/CIO of Time, Inc., responsible for over 140 magazines, 80 websites and Time Inc.'s direct marketing music and video businesses.


Tackling privacy and security needs: IT security issues aren't the only worries parading through security pros' minds. Also concerning are the privacy problems that confront their customers, partners and their own companies. Some organizations have chief privacy officers in place to help with this. This session will share not only the ways CPOs and CSOs/CISOs can work together, but will also focus on how security and privacy needs can be addressed within a company that may only have just one of these experts in place.


Dan Caprio is executive vice president at the Progress & Freedom Foundation. Caprio formerly served as CPO at the U.S. Dept. of Commerce.


Eligible to attend?

If you are a senior manager with signigicant purchasing responsibility and an annual budget in excess of $250,000 per year, you are eligible to attend the Forum as a guest of SC Magazine completely free of charge.

For more information, contact Laura Quartuccio at [email protected].

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