Technology Rationalization in Cybersecurity – Max Shier – BSW #355

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1. Technology Rationalization in Cybersecurity – Max Shier – BSW #355



Max Shier
Chief Information Security Officer at Optiv Security

Max Shier is the CISO at Optiv, the cyber advisory and solutions leader. He is a 23-year Air Force veteran and has more than 27 years of experience in all facets of security, including direct cybersecurity and IT experience in several technology and security domains.

Prior to Optiv, Shier held several leadership positions in the Federal Government and the defense industry base, with his most recent position as a cybersecurity director at a large defense contractor where he was responsible for cybersecurity oversight and implementation of critical space-based national defense programs.


Chief Product Officer at CyberSaint
Independent Consultant & CISO
Chief Operating Officer at Envision Technologies

2. Bringing the Boardroom to the Cyber Battlefield as CISOs Navigate the Role – BSW #355



Chief Product Officer at CyberSaint
Independent Consultant & CISO
Chief Operating Officer at Envision Technologies