Protecting the Attack Surface – Rob Gurzeev – PSW #698

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Rob Gurzeev of CyCognito by SRK Headshot Day
Rob Gurzeev
CEO and Co-Founder at CyCognito

Rob Gurzeev, CEO and Co-Founder of CyCognito, has led the development of offensive security solutions for both the private sector and intelligence agencies. Prior to founding CyCognito, he was Director of Offensive Security and head of R&D at C4 Security (acquired by Elbit Systems) and the CTO of the Product Department of the 8200 Israeli Intelligence Corps. Honors that he received as an Israel Defense Forces Officer included Award for Excellence, the Creative Thinking Award and the Source of Life Award.


Principal Security Evangelist at Eclypsium
Principal Researcher at The Defenders Initiative
Sr. InfoSec Consultant at Online Business Sytems
Security Analyst at Black Hills Information Security
Product Security Research and Analysis Director at Finite State
Senior Cyber Advisor at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Director of Offensive Security & Research at Trimarc Security, Founder & CEO at Dark Element